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About Us

What we do

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Our purpose



RESA is the primary skills and workforce development advisory agency for the mining and energy industry sectors - providing state representation in national forums and connecting with the best of Australian practice for the benefit of South Australians.

Our Team

RESA Board


Professor Christine Charles


Christine is a senior business leader who has held a variety of positions in the private sector, public sector and academia. She works independently, as a Board Director, also chairs a number of government and industry bodies, and provides strategic advice to companies in the mining and oil and gas sectors. Christine is an Adjunct Professor with the Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining in the Sustainable Minerals Institute at the University of Queensland.

She has deep knowledge of the mining and energy sectors based on several years in a global Group Executive role with Newmont Mining, followed by a year as a Special Advisor to the CEO of the Minerals Council of Australia.

Christine has worked at Chief Executive and senior executive level in government, including health, housing, urban development, human and community services, as well as whole of government experience. Christine has also provided advice and expertise in Defence in managing diversity and attraction, retention and development of people.

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Dr Paul Heithersay


Dr Paul Heithersay is Chief Executive of the Department for Energy and Mining.

The department brings together the resources, energy and renewable's divisions responsible for managing and regulating the State's mineral, gas, petroleum and energy sectors on behalf of the people of South Australia.

Previously, Dr Heithersay was deputy chief executive of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet where he was responsible for the Minerals, Resources, Energy and Economic Development divisions.

He joined the South Australian public service in 2002, initially as executive director of the Geological Survey of South Australia within the Department of Primary Industries and Resources SA (PIRSA). In June 2012, Dr Heithersay was awarded a Public Service Medal for his outstanding public service to the growth and development of the mineral resources sector in South Australia and in November 2012, elected to the Fellowship of the Fellows of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences (ATSE).

In October 2013, Dr Heithersay was awarded the prestigious Legend in Mining award for his role in guiding South Australia’s transformation into a major destination for investment in mineral resources and energy


Mr John Briggs


John is a proud Yorta Yorta man from Cummrugunja, part of the Barmah Forest on the Murray River border region between Victoria and New South Wales. John joined the RESA Board in February 2019.

John is the General Manager of Intract Australia Pty Ltd, an indigenous owned and operated company providing civil and construction services across Australia.  Intract is one of the largest private sector employers of indigenous personnel.

John has extensive knowledge of implementing national training and career development strategies, community engagement, cultural awareness and social responsibility programs, and business development and operations in South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria.

 In his own consultancy, JB Consultancy, John takes a simple approach to uncovering Indigenous culture in an Australian context. He provides solutions and expertise around the implementation of Reconciliation Action Plans and diversity strategies that have indigenous targets.  


Jodie Badcock

Chief Executive Officer - Director

Jodie joined RESA in 2015, in the role of Workforce Development Manager, and joined the Board on commencing in the role of CEO in March 2020.

Jodie has extensive experience in leadership roles in the development and implementation of training and skills frameworks in the resources and infrastructure sectors.

Jodie currently represents METS Ignited and NERA on the national Metalliferous Industry Reference Committee, is a member of the Drilling Industry Reference Committee and the MCA's Mining Skills Organisation Pilot.  Jodie also sits on the Training and Skills Commission’s Construction Mining and Energy Industry Skills Committee.

These  Committee’s play key roles in developing and influencing the systems, processes and programs that support the current and emerging skills requirements of industry. 

How we work

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Jobs and Opportunities for South Australians

RESA is focussed on providing products and services that support government and industry to meet the workforce and organisational capability requirements of the mining and energy sectors.

Our approach is to:


  • consult widely to understand the priorities and challenges of the sector.

  • collate the industry priorities information and data we receive and report it through channels that have the capability to develop, support or provide solutions

  • recognise the capability throughout the Australian and South Australian industry sector and to initiate and support collaboration as required to deliver solutions to industry.

  • develop recommendations for programs, services and strategic solutions where there are gaps in existing capability.

  • deliver programs, services and strategic solutions through targetted projects supported by industry and /or government.


Level 24 RAA Tower

91 King William St, ADELAIDE SA 5000

T: +61 (8) 8113 5780




© Resources and Engineering Skills Alliance (RESA)

We, at RESA, acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we live and work. We recognise the importance of traditions and cultural beliefs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. and we pay our respect to Elders past, present and emerging.

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