Data & Insights
RESA’s quarterly Hiring Intentions report highlights real-time employment activity based on jobs for South Australian residents advertised in the Resources and Energy sectors. Although job ad data does not provide an accurate indicator of actual jobs, it does provide insights into demand, growth, shortages at the occupation and sector levels.
RESA also produces commissioned and non-commissioned reports to identify trends in Mining and METS sector employment, skills and workforce priorities and targeted reports scoped in consultation with stakeholders.

RESA Publications
South Australian Mining and Energy Hiring Intentions Report, Q2 FY24-25 READ NOW
South Australian Mining and Energy Hiring Intentions Report, Q1 FY24-25 READ NOW
JSA Occupational Shortage List - SA Mining and Energy Occupations, 2024 READ NOW
South Australian Mining and Energy Hiring Intentions Report, Q4 FY23-24 READ NOW
South Australian Mining and Energy Hiring Intentions Report, Q3 FY23-24 READ NOW
Spencer Gulf Supplier Workforce Scoping Study, March 2024 READ NOW
South Australian Mining and Energy Hiring Intentions Report, Q2 FY23-24 READ NOW
South Australian Mining and Energy Hiring Intentions Report, Q1 FY23-24 READ NOW
Upper Spencer Gulf Training Service Provider Guide - 2024 DOWNLOAD
South Australian Mining and Energy Hiring Intentions Report, Q4 FY22-23 READ NOW
South Australian Mining and Energy Hiring Intentions Report, Q3 FY22-23 READ NOW
South Australian Mining and Energy Hiring Intentions Report, Q2 FY22-23 READ NOW
South Australian Mining and Energy Hiring Intentions Report, Q1 FY22-23 READ NOW
South Australian Mining and Energy Hiring Intentions Report, Q4 FY21-22 READ NOW
South Australian Mining and Energy Hiring Intentions Report, Q3 FY21-22 READ NOW
South Australian Mining and Energy Hiring Intentions Report, Q2 FY21-22 READ NOW
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Career Guide, August 2021 READ NOW
South Australian Mining and Energy Hiring Intentions Report, Q1 FY21-22 READ NOW
South Australian Mining and Energy Hiring Intentions Report, Q4 FY20-21 READ NOW
South Australian Mining and Energy Hiring Intentions Report, Q3 FY20-21 READ NOW
South Australian Mining and Energy Workforce Priorities Report, 2020 Review READ NOW
South Australian Mining and Energy Hiring Intentions Report, Q2 FY20-21 READ NOW
South Australian Mining and Energy Hiring Intentions Report, Q1 FY20-21 READ NOW
South Australian Mining and Energy Hiring Intentions Report, Q4 FY19-20 READ NOW
South Australian Mining and Energy Hiring Intentions Report, Q3 FY19-20 READ NOW
South Australian Mining and Energy Hiring Intentions Report, Q2 FY19-20 READ NOW
South Australian Mining and Energy Hiring Intentions Report, Q1 FY19-20 READ NOW
South Australian Resources Sector - Covid 19 Response , A Skills Perspective READ NOW
South Australian Resources Sector - Covid 19 Impact , Supply Chain Companies READ NOW
South Australian Copper Skills Forecast, 2019 - 2025 READ NOW