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Workforce Scoping Study


We would like to thank all of the regional businesses that contributed to this report.

About this project

Spencer Gulf Supplier Workforce Scoping Study

The 2023 Upper Spencer Gulf Skill and Workforce Summit, supported by RESA, highlighted the need to better understand and represent the workforce and skills priorities of regional operations. 

We understand that data is key to informing decision making, policy and strategy for addressing these priorities.

As critical suppliers across the Upper Spencer Gulf, we invited supply companies operating in the Spencer Gulf and Far North to Roxby Downs, to participate in a Workforce Scoping Study to provide industry lead insight into the current and emerging workforce demands across the industry at the occupational level. 

The report highlights:

  • Occupations currently in demand

  • Skills Shortages

  • Other challenges of regional operations


This information can be used to highlight regional skills priorities and inform the development of skills and workforce development strategies to support regional businesses and build capability.

For further information about this project  contact RESA CEO Jodie Badcock:


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